Newly released videos feature two tools – SharpLeaf for document publishing and TamStat for statistic plus user commands and MyDyalog, our installation and upgrade resource.
• D05: User Commands Update
Adàm and Dan provide an update on user commands and SALT (the Simple APL Library Toolkit), examining some of the underlying code and explaining enhancements made for the next release.
• D06: MyDyalog and other Backroom Processes
Andy details the updates that have been made to MyDyalog since its introduction at Dyalog ’14 and covers some of the main functionality that it makes available. He then moves on to explain what’s gone on behind the scenes to enable a smoother upgrade process for users.
• D17: SharpLeaf : Flowing Automated Reports to Paper Nicolas introduces SharpLeaf, a page-based document publishing tool that can be used as the foundation for the generation of tabular reports. Textual reports can easily be combined with charts produced by SharpPlot, Dyalog’s chart-generation tool. He uses an example-based demonstration to run through SharpLeaf’s features and capabilities; this portion of the presentation is a great introduction to SharpLeaf for anyone getting started with it.
• U13: TamStat, a Statistical Package
Stephen Mansour (The Carlisle Group and University of Scranton) presents TamStat, a statistical package based on Dyalog – which “tames” statistics and helps students learn the fundamental principles of statistics faster, through the use of an elegantly-designed set of functions and operators. Jerry Brennan (Jerry M Brennan PhD Inc) continues the statistics theme, introducing the MiServer website he has created to teach statistics and mathematics through APL.
Dyalog '15 - videos (weeks 10 & 11)
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