Why does the expression with the
unbalanced parentheses below not trigger an error, while the expression with
balanced parentheses triggers an error signalled by the interpreter? In both cases, the increment requested only happens to the first part of the expression (a.A a.B are incremented, but b.A is not). There must be a rule about grouping with dot notation vs grouping for assignment. (A different error occurs with
clear ws
'ab'⎕NS¨⍬ ⍬ ⍝ Create namespaces 'a' and 'b'
a.B←1+a.A←1 ⍝ Assign two vars in a
b.A←100 ⍝ Assign one var in b
a.A a.B b.A ⍝ All is well
1 2 100
((a.(A B)b.A)) +← 1 ⍝ Increment the vars. Proper syntax, but error!!!
SYNTAX ERROR: Unpaired parenthesis
((a.(A B)b.A))+←1 ⍝ Note: the parens are balanced!!!
a.A a.B b.A ⍝ The increment half-succeeded before the error
2 3 100 ⍝ Why isn't b.A incremented???
(a.(A B)b.A))+←1 ⍝ Try again, but LEAVE OFF the leading left paren.
a.A a.B b.A ⍝ Unbalanced parens, but no error message
3 4 100 ⍝ Another half-success...
Of course, the workaround is to use (a.A a.B b.A), but where's the fun in that? NB: This isn't the actual code I'm trying to run, but a simplification for perspicacity. ]Version
Dyalog 18.2.45405 64-bit Unicode, BuildID a02bc166
OS Darwin 23.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.1.0: Mon Oct 9 21:27:27 PDT 2023; root:xnu-10002.41.9~6/RELEASE_X86_64