The issue here is with the types of the "Structure" and "Windows" parameters. They are *declared* as being Variant, which the interpreter takes as meaning that multiple types are acceptable. The interpreter passes the 1s and 0s as 32 bit integer values. However the *documentation* states that they must be Boolean values, and so the 32 bit integer values are rejected by Excel, and an error is raised.
Fortunately the interpreter provides a mechanism to view and *change* the declared parameter types:
Code: Select all
⎕←info←wb.GetMethodInfo 'Protect' ⍝ see that the last two parameters are of type VT_VARIANT:
(2⊃¨¯2↑info)←⊂'VT_BOOL' ⍝ change to a boolean type:
wb.SetMethodInfo 'Protect' info ⍝ update the information in the function.
And now:
Code: Select all
wb.Protect'abc' 1 0 ⍝ no Error
wb.Protect'abc' 1 ⍝ no Error