Excel and Quad WX of 3

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Excel and Quad WX of 3

Post by paulmansour »

Happy New Year All.

I have a bunch of code that drives Excel, written back before ⎕WX 3. To keep it running I have ⎕wx←1.

I would like to get it to run under ⎕wx←3.

I have the following line of code that that returns a range object by specifying the upper left and bottom right cell addresses of the block of cells, (which then I can set or get the Value2 property):

      ws.Range ws.Cells.Item¨(2 3) (4 6)

I cannot seem to alter this to get it to run under WX 3. I understand that indexers and the item property are now different, but I don't get far. I clearly don't understand, at a minimum, how the cells collection is working.

Can someone give me a little insight here?

Is there documentation that I missed? I read the chapter on OLE, and it discusses some basic stuff with respect to changing from WX 1 to WX 3, but it did not help me rewrite the above line.

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Re: Excel and Quad WX of 3

Post by Morten|Dyalog »

Hi Paul, Happy New Year!

With ⎕WX=3, Range and Cells[.Item] become index-able properties rather than methods. Both collections allows you to index them as if it were 2-dimensional, but the two "indices" that you pass are actually passed as arguments to an underlying get_Range / get_Item "indexer" method:

Code: Select all

3 2
      ⍴ws.Range[⊂'B3:D6'].Value2 ⍝ ALternative form
4 3

Hope this helps! I am not sure there was any documentation that explained exactly how this works.
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Re: Excel and Quad WX of 3

Post by Vince|Dyalog »

Hi Paul and Morten,

Happy New Year!

It was only mentioned in our 11.0 release notes.

Previously, I have taken the text from our 11.0 release notes and posted it here:

"Why does COM code written for a pre-11 Dyalog stop working?"


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Re: Excel and Quad WX of 3

Post by paulmansour »


Thanks!!! That works.

By the way, in both WX 1 and 3, when you get a range for a single cell, if that cell is null, then there is no Value2 property. You can assign it, but you can't reference it. Is that a bug in Dyalog or an unavoidable feature of Excel?

Thanks again!

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Re: Excel and Quad WX of 3

Post by Morten|Dyalog »

It's a design decision: Our original thinking was that VALUE ERROR was the closest APL equivalent to a NULL, but that has proved to be impractical in many circumstances. 2041 I-Beam provides a work-around and allows you to specify what to return in place of NULL or ERROR:

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