- Windows 7: Select Preview pane under the menu item Layout on Explorer’s Organize menu.
- Windows 8, 8.1, and 10: Click the Preview button in the Panes section of the View tab.
Having Dyalog installed is not required, but you must be running at least Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. You also need the APL385 Unicode font for proper formatting. It is installed with Dyalog (even the Classic version), but can also be downloaded.
An upcoming set of installers for version 14.1 will automatically add the registry values, but even if you already have Dyalog installed you can easily enable previewing by doing the following:
- Click SELECT ALL in the CODE box below, then press Ctrl+C.
- Open Notepad, then press Ctrl+V.
- If you want keep your current font settings, remove the last four lines.
- Save the file as preview.reg.
- Find the file you just saved in Windows Explorer and double-click on it.
- Confirm at the dialog box, then close the confirmation message.
Code: Select all
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"lfFaceName"="APL385 Unicode"