Page 1 of 1 - new policy

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:20 pm
by JohnS|Dyalog
Up until now, I have maintained the dfns webpages and downloadable sample workspaces using the oldest supported version of the interpreter - currently 13.1. This was so that the same workspaces and examples would be appropriate for users of any supported version of Dyalog.

Until I was faced recently with the prospect of converting some of Roger's elegant code into a pre-tally, pre-train, pre-key, pre-rank, ... version. I fell into a slough of despond, nay despair.

The new policy will be to maintain dfns.dws in the latest released version, but to preserve previous "legacy" downloads for older versions of the workspaces. See

The plan is to present any new code using V14.1 features and (very) gradually to tinker with the thousand or so existing web-pages to bring them up to date.

Hoping this won't inconvenience anyone; your patience appreciated; feedback welcome; etc.


Re: - new policy

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 8:49 am
by Phil Last
John wrote:a slough of despond, nay despair

Perchance a "basingstoke of despair"?

Re: - new policy

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:40 am
by JohnS|Dyalog
(Word to the wise: I would go easy on any dissing of Basingstoke, perceived or implied, if you plan to have dealings with Karen. Say you wanted to sleep indoors at the conference?)