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Set MAXWS for bound Executables and in-process COM objects?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:09 pm
by Morten|Dyalog
Dyalog bound executables and in-process COM objects use a dynamic memory algorithm that tries to grow the workspace as needed (subject to operating system limitations).

You do not need to set MAXWS parameter for these objects unless you wish to. If you do, you can specify the MAXWS by creating this registry key

Under this key, create a new string value named MAXWS whose contents are the number of Kilobytes you want for the MAXWS setting.

For a 32-bit program on a 64-bit Windows Op Sys, you may need to create the registry key here instead: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Dyalog\Embedded\myapp.exe

Note that you should replace myapp.exe with the name of your bound executable.

For an In-process COM object, it should be the program (actually, the name of the .exe file, including the extension) that is hosting the COM Object. Thus, you may specify different values of MAXWS for different host applications.

On a webservice running under IIS, replace myapp.exe with w3wp.exe or aspnet_wp.exe.