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Menu Language

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:13 am
by Hannu
How is the language of Menu items chosen in the installation? I reinstalled version 12.1 Classic after changing the language of my Windows XP to English but I still got menu items in Finnish. I know it is possible to change menu captions in
, for example

but is this the only way to change all menus and submenus?

Re: Menu Language

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:22 am
by AndyS|Dyalog
Your best plan is to )LOAD buildse and run


which will build the default session file for a UK environment. The full list (currently) of supported languages is UK, FR, IT, FI, US, RU and GR (German!).

This workspace is a copy of the one used by our build process to build the session files which are supplied with the product for all versions and all platforms, and can be used at any time to reset a session file.