Two questions regarding the Stencil operator
m←3 4⍴⍳12
({⊂⍵}⌺2 2) m
│1 2 │2 3 │3 4 │
│5 6 │6 7 │7 8 │
│5 6│ 6 7│ 7 8│
│9 10│10 11│11 12│
Why isn't (⊂m)⌺ 2 2 the same if the right argument ⍵ is just m?
(⊂m) ⌺ 2 2
1 2 3 4 ⌺ 2 2
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
({⊂⍺}⌺2 2) m
│0 0│0 0│0 0│
│0 0│0 0│0 0│
What is ⍺ in this context? What is the meaning of the result of this operation?
Stencil Operator
Stencil Operator
+ Jay Moskowitz
+ Jay Moskowitz
- Adam|Dyalog
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:13 pm
Re: Stencil Operator
Firstly, I suggest you have a look at APL Wiki on operators.
The general syntax for Stencil is
WhatToDoOnEachWindow has to be a function. It is called by ⌺ over and over again, on each window of the data array, according to the windowSpecifications.
In your case, windowSpecifications is 2 2 which means that every contiguous 2-by-2 sub-matrix of data becomes a right argument of WhatToDoOnEachWindow.
The left argument of WhatToDoOnEachWindow is the amount of padding that ⌺ had to add to that sub-array. For windows sizes of 2 or smaller, no padding is ever necessary, so you get 0 0 which means no rows and no columns added.
However, if we increase the window size to 3 3, you should be able to spot the pattern:
The general syntax for Stencil is
Code: Select all
(WhatToDoOnEachWindow ⌺ windowSpecifications) data
In your case, windowSpecifications is 2 2 which means that every contiguous 2-by-2 sub-matrix of data becomes a right argument of WhatToDoOnEachWindow.
The left argument of WhatToDoOnEachWindow is the amount of padding that ⌺ had to add to that sub-array. For windows sizes of 2 or smaller, no padding is ever necessary, so you get 0 0 which means no rows and no columns added.
However, if we increase the window size to 3 3, you should be able to spot the pattern:
Code: Select all
({⊂⍺⍵}⌺3 3)3 4⍴⍳12
│┌───┬─────┐ │┌───┬─────┐ │┌───┬─────┐ │┌────┬─────┐ │
││1 1│0 0 0│ ││1 0│0 0 0│ ││1 0│0 0 0│ ││1 ¯1│0 0 0│ │
││ │0 1 2│ ││ │1 2 3│ ││ │2 3 4│ ││ │3 4 0│ │
││ │0 5 6│ ││ │5 6 7│ ││ │6 7 8│ ││ │7 8 0│ │
│└───┴─────┘ │└───┴─────┘ │└───┴─────┘ │└────┴─────┘ │
│┌───┬──────┐ │┌───┬───────┐ │┌───┬────────┐ │┌────┬───────┐ │
││0 1│0 1 2│ ││0 0│1 2 3│ ││0 0│ 2 3 4│ ││0 ¯1│ 3 4 0│ │
││ │0 5 6│ ││ │5 6 7│ ││ │ 6 7 8│ ││ │ 7 8 0│ │
││ │0 9 10│ ││ │9 10 11│ ││ │10 11 12│ ││ │11 12 0│ │
│└───┴──────┘ │└───┴───────┘ │└───┴────────┘ │└────┴───────┘ │
││¯1 1│0 5 6│││¯1 0│5 6 7│││¯1 0│ 6 7 8│││¯1 ¯1│ 7 8 0││
││ │0 9 10│││ │9 10 11│││ │10 11 12│││ │11 12 0││
││ │0 0 0│││ │0 0 0│││ │ 0 0 0│││ │ 0 0 0││