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HTMLRenderer Runtime Files

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 7:23 pm
by paulmansour
What purpose does the 90 megabyte file cef_sandbox.lib serve? It appears that I can omit it and the HTMLRenderer will instantiate itself and display HTML. I assume it performs some use in a runtime scenario.

Re: HTMLRenderer Runtime Files

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 12:09 pm
by JohnD|Dyalog
Hi Paul,

Thanks for pointing this out. I'm 99% sure we don't need to ship this, but I'll confirm that last 1%.

Best Regards
John Daintree.

Re: HTMLRenderer Runtime Files

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 6:12 pm
by paulmansour
Thanks John.

There are additional files that I believe are not strictly necessary, and some applications may not require them.

For example:

devtools_resources.pak, (saving 6 meg)

which is obviously for developer tools.



saving around 16 meg.

These latter are for rotating 3D graphics and video I think. I'm not sure exactly what else if anything I'm losing by leaving them out. For many business apps maybe these are not really needed.

Leaving out much of anything else causes the interpreter to die a horrible death.

If I add these to the 90 mb sandbox file, I can save about 110 MB on the distribution.

It would be nice addition to the documentation to describe the files and list truly required files vs optional files, and what is being lost by not including them.