testFoo rArg
;default ← 0
;notDefault ← 1
⎕← 'output'
multiline locals definition with assignment?
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This forum is for general chit-chat, not necessarily APL-related. However, it's not for spam or for offensive or illegal comments.
- norbertjurkiewicz84
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:26 pm
multiline locals definition with assignment?
Any reason not to allow default values like Classes do?
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:40 pm
Re: multiline locals definition with assignment?
Does the monadic ; work like ⎕shadow?
Can you pare down the example:
. remove rarg,
. pass output as a result,
Can you pare down the example:
. remove rarg,
. pass output as a result,
- Adam|Dyalog
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:13 pm
Re: multiline locals definition with assignment?
There is no primitive called monadic ;. It is just that functions can "continue" the header line [0] on subsequent lines before any actual code.
This means that all locals, even those declared after line [0] are localised upon entry into the function, unlike ⎕SHADOW which dynamically localises when executed, adding an additional stack frame to do so.
Full documentation is available at https://help.dyalog.com/17.1/Content/La ... 0Lines.htm
This means that all locals, even those declared after line [0] are localised upon entry into the function, unlike ⎕SHADOW which dynamically localises when executed, adding an additional stack frame to do so.
Full documentation is available at https://help.dyalog.com/17.1/Content/La ... 0Lines.htm