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Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:44 am
by ray
Simple question, where should Server.xml be located?

Currently on my PC, when I searched for "Config/server.xml" 122 objects were found!
(Most of these are just backup.)

I have versions for MiServer V3.0, V3.0.1539, V3.1.1603 and V3.1.1661 (as copied from GitHub).

I also have the file C:\MiSites\hex\config\server.xml
("hex" being the name of my Miserver application)

When I run my "hex" webpage from MiServer 3.0.1539 the version that appears to be picked up is under C:\MiSites\hex\config\server.xml.

If I try to run "hex" from MiServer 3.1.1661, (copying C:\MiServer31_1661\config\xml to C:\MiSites\hex\config\server.xml) I get
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

However, if I use the xml for 3.0.1539 (in MiSites) with MiServer 3.1.1661, I don't get the 404 error.

(I am cleaning out the browsers cache between each test, and have tried this with Chrome and Firefox.)

I am totally confused.


Re: Server.xml

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:59 am
by ray
Having failed to find Miserver documentation on the Dyalog website under Resources, Tools (where I believe it used to be), I finally found the documentation after I installed MiServer 3.1 in a directory created by the installation. In this directory are several documents, one entitled "Installing MiServer" which tells you how to install MiServer 3.0 (not 3.1). (Sings a chorus of "There's a hole in my bucket".)

I also found a document "Configuring MiServer" which answered most of my questions I just asked here.

Basically, any entries in the MiSites/hex/config/server.xml over-ride those in <MiServer>/config/server.xml.

After a great deal of trial and error, I have managed to get the same minimal MiSites/hex/config/server.xml working for both MiServer 3.0 and 3.1, while leaving the supplied <MiServer>/config/server.xml files for these two versions untouched from the GitHub download.

This minimal MiSites/hex/config/server.xml I needed is

Code: Select all

<!-- General Settings -->
    <Name>Hex</Name>         <!-- was MiServer 3.0 or MiServer 3.1 -->
    <DefaultExtension>.dyalog</DefaultExtension> <!-- was .mipage or .dyalog -->
    <FIFOMode>0</FIFOMode> <!-- added to prevent "1138 ERR_WORTHREADENDED Workthread have terminated" msg -->

(The FIFIMode entry is only required for 3.0 as it is the default for 3.1)