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SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:23 pm
by Leo
Version: 16.0.31693.0 64 Unicode
Created: Dec 3 2017 at 19:58:11
Windows 7

Subject: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Hello DyalogAPL'er

I have some basic questions for me about creating 2D charts with SharpPlot.
The example shown "DProfil" is executable, but should still be supplemented.
What I have not been able to figure out yet is how to create tables and insert them into the 2D diagram.

1st question: How to create a table for the "profile coordinates"?
The values X, Y1 and Y2 should be written in a 3-column table with the respective headings X, Y1 and Y2 and finally put anywhere in the diagram.
2nd question: How to create a table for the "profile parameters". In the first column should be the names, in the second column the corresponding values

For the tables, which can be arranged anywhere in the diagram, I kept the place in the code list.
⍝ D:\DyalogAPL\ws3\SPTutorial.dws --- DProfil
⍝ Profilkoordinaten:
X←0 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Y1←0 0.0307 0.0411 0.0579 0.0699 0.074 0.0552 0.0456 0.0367 0.0292 0.0229 0.0176
Y2←0 ¯0.0307 ¯0.0411 ¯0.0579 ¯0.0699 ¯0.074 ¯0.0552 ¯0.0456 ¯0.0367 ¯0.0292 ¯0.0229 ¯0.0176
⍝ Profilparameter:
XDMAX←0.19 ⍝ Testeingabe
DMAX←0.15 ⍝ Testeingabe
RN←0.4 ⍝ Testeingabe
RH←0.11737 ⍝ Testeingabe
WA←6 ⍝ Testeingabe
⍝ ⍝ = INIT ===============================================================================
⎕USING←',sharpplot.dll' ',system.drawing.dll' ⍝ ⎕USING: Aufruf der .NET-Suchpfade für sp-Namespaces
⎕USING,←'System.Windows.Forms,System.Windows.Forms.dll' 'System.Drawing,System.Drawing.dll' ''
⍝ ======================================================================================
⍝ PaperSize:
⍝ sp←⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
sp←⎕NEW SharpPlot(PaperSize.Landscape⊂PaperSize.A7) ⍝ DIN A4-Format 298x211 mm
⍝ Heading: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sp.SetHeadingFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Green
sp.SetHeadingNudge(0,-280) ⍝ Position der Überschrift (horizontal,vertikal)
⍝ Subheading: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
⍝ Footnote: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sp.Footnote←'D:\DyalogAPL\ws3\SPTutorial.dws --- DProfil'
sp.SetFootnoteFont'Arial' 4 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
⍝ Data Table 1: Profilkoordinaten -------------------------------------------------------

⍝ Data Table 2: Profilparameter ---------------------------------------------------------

⍝ GridLines: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
⍝ Margins (Ränder) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp.SetMargins 30 40 50 60 ⍝ top - bottom - left - right
⍝ Axis: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sp.XCaption←'X[-]' ⍝ Beschriftung der X-Achse
sp.YCaption←'Y[-]' ⍝ Beschriftung der Y-Achse
sp.XIntercept←0 ⍝ Schnittpunkt der Y-Achse mit der X-Achse
sp.YIntercept←¯0.3 ⍝ Schnittpunkt der X-Achse mit der Y-Achse
sp.SetXRange(0 1) ⍝ Scala der X-Achse
sp.SetYRange(¯0.3 0.3) ⍝ Scala der Y-Achse
⍝ Draw: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sp.SetPenWidths⊂0.6 ⍝ Liniendicke Profil
sp.DrawLineGraph Y1 X ⍝ zeichnet Y1 vs. X
sp.DrawLineGraph Y2 X ⍝ zeichnet Y1 vs. X
⍝ = Output =============================================================================
⍝ - Graphic in *.png - write file ------------------------------------------------------
⍝ - Graphic in *.pdf - write file ------------------------------------------------------
⍝ - Graphic on screen show -------------------------------------------------------------
viewer←⎕NEW SharpPlotViewer
viewer.Show ⍬
⍝ ======================================================================================

3rd question: The pdf diagram appears very small in the lower left corner. How do you get the diagram to fill the entire paper surface (A7)?

4th question: On the X-axis the zero (0) is omitted. How can I get the 0 to appear?

Many thanks in advance for your help!


Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:32 pm
by Nicolas|Dyalog
Q1: after you've drawn the last linegraph, you can add a table with something like

Code: Select all

 sp.SetTablePosition 0.1 0.3  ⍝ in previous chart coordinates   
 sp.DrawTable⊂X Y1 Y2

You might have to decrease the ValueFont so that it takes less space
Have a look at for more examples

Q2: same answer as Q1.

Q3: That sounds like a bug in SharpPlot, but I can't reproduce it with the latest version. Download it from and your problem should be gone

Q4: That's a bug and I can reproduce it with the latest version. Will be fixed in v3.54. In the meantime, commenting out the line that sets XIntercept to 0 works around it.



Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:17 pm
by Leo
Hello Nic,
Thank you for your answer and the hints, which helped me with my table problem. A big help was also your video (

The following 2D plot version DProfil1 is an advancement of DProfil and should serve me "formulary". She is not perfect, but able to run!
I put them in the forum for people like me, Dyalog APL and SharpPlot beginners. My experiences with SharpPlot so far are very positive, if you have learned something.
      ∇ DProfil1;X;Y;ProfPara;Datum;XYY
[1] ⍝ Testbeispiel für SharpPlot 07.02.2018
[3] ProfPara←'XDMAX' 'DMAX' 'RN' 'RH' 'WA',[1.5]0.19 0.15 0.4 0.11737 6
[4] X←0 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
[5] X←X,⌽X
[6] Y←0 0.0307 0.0411 0.0579 0.0699 0.074 0.0552 0.0456 0.0367 0.0292 0.0229 0.0176
[7] Y←Y,⌽¯1×Y
[8] XYY←X[⍳13],Y[⍳13],[1.5]¯1×Y[⍳13]
[10] Datum←(2 0⍕⎕TS[3]),'.',(2 0⍕⎕TS[2]),'.',(4 0⍕⎕TS[1])
[11] ⍝'ProfPara' ⋄ ⍕ProfPara
[12] ⍝' X Y' ⋄ 10 4⍕X,[1.5]Y
[14] ⍝ ============================================================================================
[15] ⎕USING←'System.Drawing,system.drawing.dll' 'System.Drawing.Imaging' 'Causeway,sharpplot.dll'
[16] ⎕USING,←('Causeway,sharpplot.dll')('CausewayViewer,sharpplot.dll')
[17] ⎕USING,←'System.Windows.Forms,System.Windows.Forms.dll' 'System.Drawing,System.Drawing.dll' ''
[18] ⍝ ============================================================================================
[20] ⍝ PaperSize:
[21] sp←⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
[22] sp←⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot(720 520)
[23] ⍝ sp←⎕NEW SharpPlot(PaperSize.Landscape⊂PaperSize.A7) ⍝ DIN A4-Format 298x211 mm
[25] ⍝ Äußerer Rahmen
[26] sp.SetFrameBackground System.Drawing.Color.Black Causeway.FillStyle.Solid 0.5
[27] sp.FrameStyle←Causeway.FrameStyles.Boxed
[28] sp.SetMargins 90 70 60 130 ⍝ top - bottom - left - righ (Randabstände)
[29] sp.Gutter←10 ⍝ Abstand Blattrand zu Rahmen
[31] ⍝ Chart1 (Line) ===============================================================================
[32] sp.Heading←'D-Profil'
[33] sp.SetHeadingNudge(0,-20) ⍝ Position der Überschrift (horizontal,vertikal)
[34] sp.SetHeadingFont'Times' 24 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
[36] sp.Subheading←'Testbeispiel für SharpPlot' ⍝ Unter-Überschrift
[37] sp.SetSubheadingFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
[40] sp.Footnote←WSID,'.dws DProfil1 ',Datum,' Ju ' ⍝ Fußnote: Dateipfad, FNS u. Datum
[41] sp.SetFootnoteFont'Arial' 8 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
[42] sp.FootnoteStyle←Causeway.FootnoteStyles.Right ⍝ Fußnote am rechten Rand
[44] ⍝ Linienstil der Koordinatenachsen, Liniendicke 0.8:
[45] sp.SetAxisStyle System.Drawing.Color.Black Causeway.LineStyle.Solid 0.8
[47] ⍝ Beschreibung und Beschriftungsstil der Achsen:
[48] sp.SetCaptionFont('Arial')(13)(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular)(System.Drawing.Color.Red)
[49] sp.XCaption←'X[ - ]' ⍝ Überschrift der X-Achse
[50] sp.YCaption←'Y[ - ]' ⍝ Überschrift der X-Achse
[51] sp.XIntercept←0 ⍝ Schnittpunkt der X-Achse
[52] sp.YIntercept←¯0.2 ⍝ Schnittpunkt der Y-Achse
[53] sp.SetXRange(0)(1) ⍝ Scalenbereich der X-Achse (Xmin - Xmax)
[54] sp.SetYRange(¯0.2)(0.4) ⍝ Scalenbereich der Y-Achse (Ymin - Ymax)
[55] sp.XAxisStyle←Causeway.XAxisStyles.GridLines ⍝ X-Gitterlinien
[56] sp.YAxisStyle←Causeway.YAxisStyles.GridLines ⍝ Y-Gitterlinien
[58] ⍝ Schattierung innerhalb des Linienzuges:
[59] sp.SetFillStyles⊂Causeway.FillStyle.(Opacity18 Opacity78) ⍝ Innen - Rand
[60] sp.LineGraphStyle←Causeway.LineGraphStyles.SurfaceShading
[61] sp.DrawLineGraph(,⊂Y)(X) ⍝ Zeichne Kurve
[63] ⍝ Profil-Mittellinie
[64] sp.LineGraphStyle←Causeway.LineGraphStyles.AnnotateModel
[65] sp.SetLineStyles⊂Causeway.LineStyle.(Solid)
[66] sp.SetPenWidths⊂,0.5
[67] sp.SetColors⊂System.Drawing.Color.(Green)
[68] sp.DrawLineGraph(,⊂0 0)(0 1)
[70] ⍝ Markierung eines Punktes
[71] sp.LineGraphStyle←Causeway.LineGraphStyles.(NoLines+Markers)
[72] sp.SetMarkers(Marker.Bullet)
[73] sp.SetMarkerScales⊂,3
[74] sp.DrawLineGraph(,⊂,0)(,ProfPara[1;2])
[75] sp.SetKeyText⊂'ProfPara[2;1]'
[77] ⍝ Chart2 (Table 1) Profilparameter ============================================================================
[78] sp.SetTablePosition(0.84)(0.4)(0)(0) ⍝ Position der Tabelle 1
[80] sp.Heading←'Profilparameter'
[81] sp.SetHeadingFont'Times' 10 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Navy
[82] sp.HeadingStyle←Causeway.HeadingStyles.NoWrap
[84] sp.TableStyle←Causeway.TableStyles.Shadowed ⍝ zeichnet Schatten unter das Feld
[85] sp.XAxisStyle←Causeway.XAxisStyles.GridLines
[86] sp.YAxisStyle←Causeway.YAxisStyles.GridLines
[87] sp.YCaption←''
[88] sp.SetXLabels⊂,¨'Bez.' 'Wert'
[89] sp.DrawTable⊂,¨,∘⍕¨¨↓⍉ProfPara
[91] ⍝ Chart3 (Table 2) Profilkoordinaten ===========================================================================
[92] sp.SetTablePosition(1.01)(0.4)(0)(0) ⍝ Position der Tabelle 2
[94] sp.Heading←'Profilkoordinaten'
[95] sp.SetHeadingFont'Times' 10 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Navy
[96] sp.HeadingStyle←Causeway.HeadingStyles.NoWrap
[98] sp.TableStyle←Causeway.TableStyles.Shadowed ⍝ zeichnet Schatten unter das Feld
[99] sp.XAxisStyle←Causeway.XAxisStyles.GridLines
[100] sp.YAxisStyle←Causeway.YAxisStyles.GridLines
[101] sp.ValueTagFormat←'##0.0000'
[102] sp.SetXLabels⊂,¨'X' 'Y1' 'Y2'
[103] sp.DrawTable⊂↓⍉XYY
[105] ⍝ Textfeld mit Rand ============================================================================================
[106] sp.NoteStyle←Causeway.NoteStyles.(Boxed+Rounded)
[107] sp.SetNoteBackground(Color.Goldenrod)
[108] sp.SetNoteFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Green
[109] sp.DrawNote('Text mit Rand: X=0.1, Y=0.2, H=0.0, B=0.3' 0.1 0.2 0 0.3)
[111] ⍝ Textfeld ohne Rand ===========================================================================================
[112] sp.NoteStyle←0
[113] sp.SetNoteBackground(Color.WhiteSmoke)
[114] sp.SetNoteFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Brown
[115] sp.DrawNote('Text ohne Rand: X=0.0, Y=0.45, H=0.0, B=0.3' 0 0.45 0 0.3)
[117] ⍝ = Output =============================================================================
[118] ⍝ - Graphic in *.png - write file ------------------------------------------------------
[119] ⍝ sp.SaveImage'D:\DyalogAPL\ws3_Dat\Dprofil1.png'System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png
[120] ⍝ - Graphic in *.pdf - write file ------------------------------------------------------
[121] sp.SavePdf⊂'D:\DyalogAPL\ws3_Dat\DProfil1.pdf'
[122] ⍝ - Graphic on screen show -------------------------------------------------------------
[123] viewer←⎕NEW SharpPlotViewer
[124] viewer.SharpPlot←sp
[125] viewer.Show ⍬
[126] ⍝ ======================================================================================

One more question about DProfil1:
How to mark the green dot within the profile with reference arrow and caption (for example "XDMAX")?

Best regards

Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:42 pm
by Nicolas|Dyalog
Very nice chart !
Once it's finished, if you'd agree, I'd like to have a copy of the script so that I can use it as a SharpPlot demo. It's always nicer when it's genuinely useful.

BTW Here's the solution :

Code: Select all


All the best,


Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:44 pm
by Leo
Subject: Dyalog Forum Language: "SharpPlot, tables within the graphic"

Hello Nic,

Thank you for your kind SharpPlot support.
Enclosed the function "DProfil1" changed in the range of the lines 70 to 84.
Added to this is the mark for "DMAX".
A question about the legend for "DMAX". Instead of the rectangle, I would like to have the mark with the "ring"

The plot function DProfil1 works, even if it is not written optimally.
It can be used by anyone as a demo version and changed as desired.

      ∇ DProfil1;X;Y;ProfPara;Datum;XYY
[1] ⍝ Testbeispiel für SharpPlot 27.02.2018
[3] ProfPara←'XDMAX' 'DMAX' 'RN' 'RH' 'WA',[1.5]0.19 0.15 0.4 0.11737 6
[4] X←0 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
[5] X←X,⌽X
[6] Y←0 0.0307 0.0411 0.0579 0.0699 0.074 0.0552 0.0456 0.0367 0.0292 0.0229 0.0176
[7] Y←Y,⌽¯1×Y
[8] XYY←X[⍳13],Y[⍳13],[1.5]¯1×Y[⍳13]
[10] Datum←(2 0⍕⎕TS[3]),'.',(2 0⍕⎕TS[2]),'.',(4 0⍕⎕TS[1])
[11] ⍝'ProfPara' ⋄ ⍕ProfPara
[12] ⍝' X Y' ⋄ 10 4⍕X,[1.5]Y
[14] ⍝ ============================================================================================
[15] ⎕USING←'System.Drawing,system.drawing.dll' 'System.Drawing.Imaging' 'Causeway,sharpplot.dll'
[16] ⎕USING,←('Causeway,sharpplot.dll')('CausewayViewer,sharpplot.dll')
[17] ⎕USING,←'System.Windows.Forms,System.Windows.Forms.dll' 'System.Drawing,System.Drawing.dll' ''
[18] ⍝ ============================================================================================
[20] ⍝ PaperSize:
[21] sp←⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
[22] sp←⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot(720 520)
[23] ⍝ sp←⎕NEW SharpPlot(PaperSize.Landscape⊂PaperSize.A7) ⍝ DIN A4-Format 298x211 mm
[25] ⍝ Äußerer Rahmen
[26] sp.SetFrameBackground System.Drawing.Color.Black Causeway.FillStyle.Solid 0.5
[27] sp.FrameStyle←Causeway.FrameStyles.Boxed
[28] sp.SetMargins 90 70 60 130 ⍝ top - bottom - left - righ (Randabstände)
[29] sp.Gutter←10 ⍝ Abstand Blattrand zu Rahmen
[31] ⍝ Chart1 (Line) ===============================================================================
[32] sp.Heading←'D-Profil'
[33] sp.SetHeadingNudge(0,-20) ⍝ Position der Überschrift (horizontal,vertikal)
[34] sp.SetHeadingFont'Times' 24 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
[36] sp.Subheading←'Testbeispiel für SharpPlot' ⍝ Unter-Überschrift
[37] sp.SetSubheadingFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
[40] sp.Footnote←WSID,'.dws DProfil1 ',Datum,' Ju ' ⍝ Fußnote: Dateipfad, FNS u. Datum
[41] sp.SetFootnoteFont'Arial' 8 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
[42] sp.FootnoteStyle←Causeway.FootnoteStyles.Right ⍝ Fußnote am rechten Rand
[44] ⍝ Linienstil der Koordinatenachsen, Liniendicke 0.8:
[45] sp.SetAxisStyle System.Drawing.Color.Black Causeway.LineStyle.Solid 0.8
[47] ⍝ Beschreibung und Beschriftungsstil der Achsen:
[48] sp.SetCaptionFont('Arial')(13)(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular)(System.Drawing.Color.Red)
[49] sp.XCaption←'X[ - ]' ⍝ Überschrift der X-Achse
[50] sp.YCaption←'Y[ - ]' ⍝ Überschrift der X-Achse
[51] sp.XIntercept←0 ⍝ Schnittpunkt der X-Achse
[52] sp.YIntercept←¯0.2 ⍝ Schnittpunkt der Y-Achse
[53] sp.SetXRange(0)(1) ⍝ Scalenbereich der X-Achse (Xmin - Xmax)
[54] sp.SetYRange(¯0.2)(0.4) ⍝ Scalenbereich der Y-Achse (Ymin - Ymax)
[55] sp.XAxisStyle←Causeway.XAxisStyles.GridLines ⍝ X-Gitterlinien
[56] sp.YAxisStyle←Causeway.YAxisStyles.GridLines ⍝ Y-Gitterlinien
[58] ⍝ Schattierung innerhalb des Linienzuges:
[59] sp.SetFillStyles⊂Causeway.FillStyle.(Opacity18 Opacity78) ⍝ Innen - Rand
[60] sp.LineGraphStyle←Causeway.LineGraphStyles.SurfaceShading
[61] sp.DrawLineGraph(,⊂Y)(X) ⍝ Zeichne Kurve
[63] ⍝ Profil-Mittellinie
[64] sp.LineGraphStyle←Causeway.LineGraphStyles.AnnotateModel
[65] sp.SetLineStyles⊂Causeway.LineStyle.(Solid)
[66] sp.SetPenWidths⊂,0.5
[67] sp.SetColors⊂System.Drawing.Color.(Green)
[68] sp.DrawLineGraph(,⊂0 0)(0 1)
[70] ⍝ Markierung eines Punktes 1. Version
[71] sp.LineGraphStyle←Causeway.LineGraphStyles.(NoLines+Markers)
[72] sp.SetMarkers(Marker.Ring)
[73] sp.SetMarkerScales⊂,3
[74] sp.DrawLineGraph(,⊂,0)(,ProfPara[1;2])
[75] sp.SetKeyText⊂'DMAX'
[77] ⍝ Markierung eines Punktes 2. Version
[78] sp.LineGraphStyle←Causeway.LineGraphStyles.AnnotateModel
[79] sp.SetLineStyles⊂Causeway.LineStyle.(Solid)
[80] sp.SetPenWidths⊂,0.3
[81] sp.SetColors⊂System.Drawing.Color.(Green)
[82] sp.DrawLineGraph(,⊂0 ¯0.125 ¯0.125)(0.19 0.25 0.33) ⍝ (y1,y2,y3) (x1,x2,x3)
[83] sp.SetNoteBackground(Color.Navy)
[84] sp.SetNoteFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Black
[85] sp.DrawNote('DMAX' 0.26 ¯0.12) ⍝ x-Pos. y-Pos.
[87] ⍝ Chart2 (Table 1) Profilparameter ============================================================================
[88] sp.SetTablePosition(0.84)(0.4)(0)(0) ⍝ Position der Tabelle 1
[90] sp.Heading←'Profilparameter'
[91] sp.SetHeadingFont'Times' 10 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Navy
[92] sp.HeadingStyle←Causeway.HeadingStyles.NoWrap
[94] sp.TableStyle←Causeway.TableStyles.Shadowed ⍝ zeichnet Schatten unter das Feld
[95] sp.XAxisStyle←Causeway.XAxisStyles.GridLines
[96] sp.YAxisStyle←Causeway.YAxisStyles.GridLines
[97] sp.YCaption←''
[98] sp.SetXLabels⊂,¨'Bez.' 'Wert'
[99] sp.DrawTable⊂,¨,∘⍕¨¨↓⍉ProfPara
[101] ⍝ Chart3 (Table 2) Profilkoordinaten ===========================================================================
[102] sp.SetTablePosition(1.01)(0.4)(0)(0) ⍝ Position der Tabelle 2
[104] sp.Heading←'Profilkoordinaten'
[105] sp.SetHeadingFont'Times' 10 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Navy
[106] sp.HeadingStyle←Causeway.HeadingStyles.NoWrap
[108] sp.TableStyle←Causeway.TableStyles.Shadowed ⍝ zeichnet Schatten unter das Feld
[109] sp.XAxisStyle←Causeway.XAxisStyles.GridLines
[110] sp.YAxisStyle←Causeway.YAxisStyles.GridLines
[111] sp.ValueTagFormat←'##0.0000'
[112] sp.SetXLabels⊂,¨'X' 'Y1' 'Y2'
[113] sp.DrawTable⊂↓⍉XYY
[115] ⍝ Textfeld mit Rand ============================================================================================
[116] sp.NoteStyle←Causeway.NoteStyles.(Boxed+Rounded)
[117] sp.SetNoteBackground(Color.Goldenrod)
[118] sp.SetNoteFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Green
[119] sp.DrawNote('Text mit Rand: X=0.1, Y=0.2, H=0.0, B=0.3' 0.1 0.2 0 0.3)
[121] ⍝ Textfeld ohne Rand ===========================================================================================
[122] sp.NoteStyle←0
[123] sp.SetNoteBackground(Color.WhiteSmoke)
[124] sp.SetNoteFont'Arial' 12 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular System.Drawing.Color.Brown
[125] sp.DrawNote('Text ohne Rand: X=0.0, Y=0.45, H=0.0, B=0.3' 0 0.45 0 0.3)
[127] ⍝ = Output =============================================================================
[128] ⍝ - Graphic in *.png - write file ------------------------------------------------------
[129] ⍝ sp.SaveImage'D:\DyalogAPL\ws3_Dat\Dprofil1.png'System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png
[130] ⍝ - Graphic in *.pdf - write file ------------------------------------------------------
[131] sp.SavePdf⊂'D:\DyalogAPL\ws3_Dat\DProfil1.pdf'
[132] ⍝ - Graphic on screen show -------------------------------------------------------------
[133] viewer←⎕NEW SharpPlotViewer
[134] viewer.SharpPlot←sp
[135] viewer.Show ⍬
[136] ⍝ ======================================================================================
[137] 'DProfil1'

Best regards

Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:02 pm
by hbarkhof
Hello Leo ,

Any idea why this does not work for me ? I'm using v16
code stops at line 72 , sp.SetMarkers(Marker.Ring)



Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:37 pm
by Vince|Dyalog
Hi Henk,

I have tried the code and it works in my test.

Could you email me at Dyalog Support with your full version details and any error messages you get please?



Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:28 am
by hbarkhof
Hi Vince ,

I think this works in Unicode version only ? I use the classic version 16.

Excuse , I'm a very beginner.

Re: SharpPlot, tables within the graphic

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 2:11 pm
by Vince|Dyalog
Hi Henk,

It works for me in 16.0 Classic as well.

However, I would strongly recommend that you use our Unicode version instead. Unicode is much more compatible with other programs, files, and external frameworks. Classic has to use ugly workarounds which are of the form ⎕U1234 to run the new primitives which are just a single APL character in Unicode versions. Also, it is quite easy to create a workspace which Classic cannot load as it has Unicode characters. Even from a Unicode character in comment text...

Some of our interfaces and features do not work in our Classic versions.

What do you get if you type this in the session? Could you email me at Dyalog Support with the answer please?


