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BAA-London - May Symposium

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 10:50 am
by Phil Last
BAA-London - May Symposium
BAA-London - the London based discussion group for the APL family of array languages.

The May Symposium will be held on Friday 27 at:

The Hoop and Grapes
80 Farringdon Street
EC4A 4BL ... don+Street

Upstairs room booked from 14.30 'til 17.30. Meet earlier downstairs for a pre-event drink and/or a chat.
It's been suggested that we review whatever went on (will have gone on) a week earlier at the Association's One Day Seminar at the RSA on Friday 20
Free WiFi so you can attend and work concurrently.

Suggestions and discussion of agenda for this and further symposiums please to:
Please feel free to cross-post this announcement to other forums where others might be interested and re-post it here if you add anything