PGilbert wrote:Found it:∇Dispatch[⎕]∇
[0] obj Dispatch action;ActionObj;delegate;⎕USING
[2] action←⎕OR ⎕FX'RunBackground'action
[4] ⎕USING←'System,System.dll' 'System.Windows.Threading,WindowsBase.dll'
[6] {}obj.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal(⎕NEW Action action))
⎕USING ← 'System.Windows,WPF/PresentationFramework.dll'
win ← ⎕NEW Window
win Dispatch& 'win.Title←''hello world'''
hello world
The problem that I see is that all actions will be put into the same function named 'RunBackground' and if you do a couple of rapid Dispatch one after each one the 'RunBackground' executed may not be the good one.
Is there a way to fix this ?
Hi Pierre,
I've tried the above code, but I don't see the problem that I think you are describing. Are you able to send a small repro showing "the 'RunBackground' executed may not be the good one."?
John Daintree.