The document makes a single reference to the functions "Serialise" and "Deserialise" in the model at
I pointed out here ... 1872#p7460 that that functionality would need to be provided such that existing arrays could be encoded into
Array Notation (AN) for embedding or transmitting - as
⎕JSON exports
JSON - and sources of
AN such as file content or received transmissions could be evaluated as per
⎕JSON import. I suggested that enhancements involving new ways to call ⍕ and ⍎ would do the job; perhaps with a new type of left argument or variant.
The document makes no mention of this requirement. When
AN becomes an integral part of APL it would seem unfortunate were we still to have to load a namespace in order to use it fully. Even assuming they continue to exist those two functions will presumably be rewritten merely to call the primitive code.
An example of its use and a way to overcome the limits of the proposed enhancement to ⎕ED is
z←⍕⍠'Array Notation'⊢ ⍵
⍎⍠'Array Notation'⊢ z
where the
AN encoding is presented for editing and the evaluated array is returned.
It can be tried now within the limitations of the model
z←AN.Serialise ⍵
AN.Deserialise z