TinySpell appears incompatible with Dyalog APL

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TinySpell appears incompatible with Dyalog APL

Post by ray »

Just a warning.

I recently installed a spelling checker called TinySpell on my Windows 10 PC.

Unfortunately, it interfered with the Dyalog Keyboard causing certain keystrokes combinations to no longer worked as expected (such as <ctrl>+<shift>+' for "not match"). It took me quite some time to figure out that it was TinySpell causing the incompatibility.

TinySpell also complained about most of my APL variable and function names, so had to be turned off whenever APL was started.

I may have missed some setting in TinySpell to get round these problem that I was experiencing, but I could not be bothered to find out.
Ray Cannon
Please excuse any smelling pisstakes.
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