Dyalog ‘22 will take place in Olhão, Portugal from Sunday 9th October to Thursday 13th October 2022 – we have a small number of rooms left so please register through our website https://www.dyalog.com/user-meetings/dyalog22.htm if you would like to attend.
The user meeting programme is now available on our website https://www.dyalog.com/user-meetings/dy ... gramme.htm Any last-minute information/changes to schedules/important information will be posted here – please check regularly to ensure you're up-to-date with what's going on!
Most of the Dyalog development team will be on-hand during Dyalog ‘22, giving you the chance to ask questions and discuss Dyalog with them. It will also be a great opportunity to interact with and learn from other APL users.
Dyalog'22 - programme available!
Forum rules
This forum is for listing forthcoming meetings, conferences and any other sort of APL-related events.
This forum is for listing forthcoming meetings, conferences and any other sort of APL-related events.