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public class HttpsHandler : IProtocolHandler
//This method should provide the response for the specified request
public IUrlResponse Handle(IUrlRequest request)
string htmlContent = "Request Url: " + request.Url + "\n";
return new UrlResponse(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlContent));
The following code does not work:
:Interface HttpsHandler
∇ urlResponse←IUrlResponse request
:Implements Method IProtocolHandler
urlResponse←'to do'
The error is:
declared interface member not found. Either the member does not exist or the function syntax is incompatible ":Implements Method IProtocolHandler".
In the WS with the same ⎕USING IProtocolHandler is found (the complete name is: DotNetBrowser.Protocols.IProtocolHandler).
What it is that I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance.