I am reporting this error for your information, not because it is an important problem to me.
Normally, I am running Dyalog Windows-64 17.0.33755.0 W Development
on a PC Windows 7 PC, but I may also have seen this error on a laptop running Windows 10.
If I leave MiServer 3.1.1661 running for a length of time, simply idling, I sometimes get this error reported:
Code: Select all
:DLL Error: 999 999 ¯1073741819 [CONGA] Exception c0000005 at 000007FEEFBCC8DA Memory read at a 999
Wait[8] →(0≠⊃⊃r←check ##.Conga.⍙CallRLR RootName'AWaitZ'a 0)⍴0
Hope this is of some help.