I'm new to DyalogAPL and try to work with the book Mastering Dyalog APL by Bernard Legrand in DyalogAPL.
At the moment, I'm working on Chapter S: Publishing Tools and trying to find the secrets to creating 2D plots using the features contained in rainpro.dws.
For example, the function Glossary of the workspace rainpro.dws begins with the statements:
⍝ Shows some basic concepts, such as chart area and margins
ch.Set('style' 'boxed,xyplot,grid')('head' 'This is the Heading')
ch.Set('mark' 13)('line' 'dash')('Colour' 'blue')…
My first question relates to e.g. the statement:
ch.Set('style' 'boxed,xyplot,grid')('head' 'This is the Heading')I guess the key words contained in this statement
('style' 'boxed,xyplot,grid')are default settings.
How can I change the default settings in the namespace function ch.Set?
Second Question:
The namespace function #.Ch.Set is in Function Glossary included.
The help code in #.Ch.Set is ctx#620.
Where can I find the help codes, e.g. ctx#620, ctx#500, ctx#530,…..
For your hints, I thank you in advance!
Best regards