Code: Select all
<sf:PropertyGrid x:Name="PGrid"/>
Now if you try the function test1 it is working:
Code: Select all
if you define the functions test2 and FixMe, test2 is not working (the Xaml cannot be fixed because PropertyGrid is not found)
Code: Select all
obj←FixMe xaml;⎕USING
Code: Select all
FixMe test_xaml
Now for the function test3 define as:
Code: Select all
:Trap 0
Anything Here
FixMe test_xaml
it is working ! Looks to me that after defining the ⎕USING and before fixing the XAML the interpreter needs to be 'forced' to search in ⎕USING to load it into memory. In the function test1 it is done when the interpreter is reading the line XamlReader.Parse(⊂test_xaml). In test2 when reading the line 'FixMe' the interpreter knows already that it is a function and will not search with ⎕USING making the function to fail. In test3 it will search in ⎕USING to try to find 'Anything Here' and that will load the dll into memory before running the function 'FixMe'.
Question: Is there a better way to write test3 or what is it that I don't understand ?
Thanks in advance,
Pierre Gilbert
P.S.: This has to be tried on a computer that has not the Syncfusion dlls loaded in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) directory. Only into the Syncfusion/4.5/ directory (like for a RunTime user).