It looks as if I should be able to read its ID from declared public field what as illustrated in jqondemo.dyalog. I can certainly read its sibling field event. But trying to read what yields a value error. The MiServer manual says (p59) that what will be set for #.JQ.On callbacks if the element triggering the event has an ID set. Inspecting it in Chrome's developer tools shows:
Code: Select all
<tr id="player2" class="ui-droppable">
<td>Dick Cobley</td>
confirming the TR is the drop target and has an ID. Is nesting a problem? Recoded to make the 1st-column TDs the drop targets, confirming classes and IDs as above, but still no what.
I have assumed here that #.JQUI.Droppable is built on #.JQ.On and so I can rely on event and what. If not, should I simply roll my own using #.JQ.On?