we have got this problem for some time in the past, but till now just reading it in our logs and did not understand how this value error could happen.
today i had this error for the first time in my development environment.
it is an asp.net 2.0 application and dyalog
we have the class ArtikelVertragsDef which is derived from the class Datensatz:
Code: Select all
⎕class myObj
#.ITWK.ArtikelVertragsDef #.ITWK.Datensatz
the class ArtikelVertragsDef has the following public methods:
Code: Select all
myObj.⎕nl ¯3
CopyValues CopyValuesWithoutStatus FeldAbfrageZurSelektion OderSelektion OderSelektionGleich SaetzeFiltern SetDescr
iption Spaltenwerte StandardSelect UndSelektion UndSelektionGleich Vergleich Wert WertQTS Werte ∆DBDelete
∆DBInsert ∆DBUpdate ∆Ind ∆MakeBindSym ∆NoNullDB ∆PopulateInstance ∆RC2 ∆RC3zu2
but sometimes the method "Werte" causes a value error:
Code: Select all
obj.⎕nl ¯3
CopyValues CopyValuesWithoutStatus FeldAbfrageZurSelektion OderSelektion OderSelektionGleich SaetzeFiltern SetDescr
iption Spaltenwerte StandardSelect UndSelektion UndSelektionGleich Vergleich Wert WertQTS ∆DBDelete ∆DBInse
rt ∆DBUpdate ∆Ind ∆MakeBindSym ∆NoNullDB ∆PopulateInstance ∆RC2 ∆RC3zu2
other methods are working fine:
Code: Select all
ikelVertragsDef] . #.AppDomain_4fc5b7cc_1_130017564216759886.Assembly_App_Web_itwarenkorb_dws_ae7ca9a1_l_expv2p.[IT
WKPosArtikelAuswahl].[ArtikelVertragsDef] . ∇WertQTS ⎕NERASE #.ITWK.Datensatz
the method "Werte" is defined in the class Datensatz as follows:
Code: Select all
∇ r←Werte Feldnamen
:Access Public Instance
all other methods are definded in the same way.
while this error occurs, i have created this object in a loop for 10.000 times and was looking for the missing method "Werte".
but the method was always provided.
where is the bug?